About us

Coach Matt

Hello! We're Sam and Nick and we created CoachModo because it's a service we wanted to use and we think you will enjoy it too!

Our golf journey will be familiar to many. What started as a few casual pitch-and-putt games with friends, quickly became evenings at the range, weekends at proper courses and enjoying the 19th hole. Before we knew it we had spent way too much on clubs, had all the gear and were obsessed with getting better and better to enjoy the game even more!

Always keen to improve, we started recording each other's swings so we could watch them back. This feedback was awesome, we couldn't believe what our swings actually looked like vs what we had thought in our head and at first this was enough to make some very obvious changes.

However, the more we did this the more we found ourselves in a familiar situation. We could see our swings didn't look right, but we weren't sure why they weren't right and more importantly we didn't know how to correct them. Moreover, we didn't know where to start, there were plenty of things we could choose to work on but what would give us the most immediate improvements?

That's when we realised we needed a professional opinion - If only we could send this video to someone quickly and cheaply and get some advice.

Our first instinct was to get more lessons. However, as casual golfers we didn't have the budgets to get these lessons at the frequency we wanted them. We also wanted to tailor when we had lessons to how much golf we were playing and when we felt like we needed feedback. However, with us both working it was hard to find time for lessons and sometimes we would have to book significantly in advance - it was too easy to talk about getting lessons but never actually get them.

We realised that what we wanted was distance learning. Somewhere we could send off our video and wait for feedback while getting on with our lives. We tried some of the online platforms we could find but we were surprised by how expensive they were - they were still trying to replicate the player coach relationship. We didn't want a coach, we just wanted 5 minutes of their time.

That's when CoachModo was born.

As product and software developers we realised we had the skills to create the service we wanted. We realised that we could build a website that would allow people to upload videos of their golf swing for video analysis. The crux of the idea was to make it incredibly easy for coaches to look at these videos and analyse them straight away. This would mean that all a coach's time would be put into delivering hyper-focused lessons and none wasted on admin, keeping the feedback incredibly affordable.

We found some brilliant coaches who were up for joining us and immediately gave us feedback which we have already been putting to good use! Now we want to make this a service that anyone can benefit from.

We'd love for you to join us and see where your game could go.

Sam & Nick

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